LeetCode Top Interview Questions 29. Divide Two Integers (Java版; Medium)

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LeetCode Top Interview Questions 29. Divide Two Integers (Java版; Medium)


Given two integers dividend and divisor, divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator.

Return the quotient after dividing dividend by divisor.

The integer division should truncate toward zero.

Example 1:

Input: dividend = 10, divisor = 3
Output: 3
Example 2:

Input: dividend = 7, divisor = -3
Output: -2

Both dividend and divisor will be 32-bit signed integers.
The divisor will never be 0.
Assume we are dealing with an environment which could only store integers within the 32-bit signed integer range: [−231, 231 − 1].
For the purpose of this problem, assume that your function returns 231 − 1 when the division result overflows
class Solution {
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
int flag = dividend>0 ^ divisor>0 ? -1 : 1;
int res = 0;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return 1;
dividend = dividend + Math.abs(divisor);
return 0;
dividend = Math.abs(dividend);
divisor = Math.abs(divisor);
while(dividend >= divisor){
int count = 1;
int cur = divisor;
//cur >= 2*cur
while(dividend - cur >= cur){
count = count * 2;
cur = cur * 2;
res = res + count;
dividend = dividend - cur;
return res*flag;

第一次做;方法的本质: while循环的操作就是计算dividend里有多少个divisor,可以一个一个的累加divisor, 这样做的缺点是太慢了; 可以通过移位操作成倍的增加divisor的数量, 当divisor不能再加倍时,从dividend中减去divisor, 然后使用新的dividend继续计算包含多少个最原始的divisor; 看注释, 记住这流程中的4步

因为涉及取绝对值的操作, 所以要格外小心dividend和divisor为Integer.MIN_VALUE的情况, 因为Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE)=Integer.MIN_VALUE

4.将dividend和divisor都变成正数进行处理, 判断dividend中有几个完整的divisor, 由于不能用乘法, 所以用移位操作
1.当divisor为Integer.MIN_VALUE时,只有dividend为Integer.MIN_VALUE时quotient为1, 其他的dividend的对应结果都是0
2.cur<<1可能会越界, 所以执行cur<<1操作前可以用dividend-cur >= cur 判断cur能否乘2
3.方法的本质: while循环的操作就是计算dividend里有多少个divisor,可以一个一个的累加divisor, 这样做的缺点是太慢了; 可以通过移位操作成倍的增加divisor的数量, 当divisor不能再加倍时,从dividend中减去divisor, 然后使用新的dividend继续计算包含多少个最原始的divisor
class Solution {
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
int sign = dividend > 0 ^ divisor > 0 ? -1 : 1;
int res = 0;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return 1;
//核心:因为接下来要对数字取绝对值,所以得改变一下dividend. 相当于从dividend绝对值中减去了一个divisor, 这也是为什么res执行++操作
dividend = dividend + Math.abs(divisor);
return 0;
dividend = Math.abs(dividend);
divisor = Math.abs(divisor);
//不考虑余数, 所以只需要考虑dividend >= divisor的情况即可
while(dividend >= divisor){
int count = 1;
int cur = divisor;
//循环条件很细节, 防止2*cur越界
while(dividend - cur >= cur){
count = count << 1;
cur = cur << 1;
res = res + count;
//细节: 移位要带括号, 因为移动操作优先级太低了
dividend = dividend - cur;
return sign>0?res:-res;

​LeetCode优秀题解​​, 不用long类型

class Solution {
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
int sign = (dividend<0)^(divisor<0) ? -1 : 1, quotient = 0;
if(dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE){
if(divisor == -1) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if(divisor == Integer.MIN_VALUE) return 1;
//细节:减小dividend, 防止取绝对值时溢出, 因为Math.abs(-2147483648)=-2147483648
dividend += Math.abs(divisor);
if(divisor == Integer.MIN_VALUE) return 0;
dividend = Math.abs(dividend);
divisor = Math.abs(divisor); //Math.abs(-2147483648)=-2147483648
while(dividend >= divisor){
//count初始成1更合适, 我开始初始成0
int tmp = divisor, count = 1;
//细节:循环条件不能用dividend >= tmp<<1, 因为tmp<<1的结果可能会溢出!! 我踩了这个坑
while(dividend - tmp >= tmp){ //(dividend >= tmp<<1 or >= 2*tmp) may cause overflows
tmp <<= 1;
count <<= 1;
dividend -= tmp;
quotient += count;
return sign * quotient;

​力扣优秀题解​​; 转换成负数

class Solution {
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
boolean sign = (dividend > 0) ^ (divisor > 0);
int result = 0;
if(dividend>0) {
dividend = -dividend;
if(divisor>0) divisor = -divisor;
while(dividend <= divisor) {
int temp_result = -1;
int temp_divisor = divisor;
while(dividend <= (temp_divisor << 1)) {
if(temp_divisor <= (Integer.MIN_VALUE >> 1))break;
temp_result = temp_result << 1;
temp_divisor = temp_divisor << 1;
dividend = dividend - temp_divisor;
result += temp_result;
if(!sign) {
if(result <= Integer.MIN_VALUE) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
result = - result;
return result;

阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
阿里云国际,腾讯云国际,低至75折。AWS 93折 免费开户实名账号 代冲值 优惠多多 微信号:monov8 飞机:@monov6
标签: Java