下面的例子源于Google Eye(如下图所示的效果),通过这个例子可以好好体会一下JavaScript的面向对象编程。

JavaScript(07): 实例3---Google Eye_javascript

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>Google Eye</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
			#l_pupil, #r_pupil {
				position: relative; /* the position of pupil is relative to its container eye*/
				width: 15px;
				height: 15px;
				left: 52px;
				top: 52px;

	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center" style="margin-top:20px;" >
			<td background="eye-r.gif">
				<div style="width:117px;height:117px;">
					<img src="pupil.gif" id="l_pupil" />
			<td background="eye-y.gif">
				<div style="width:117px;height:117px;">
					<img src="pupil.gif" id="r_pupil" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var myEyes = { 
			EyeRadius: 55,		/* radius of eye */
			PupilRadius: 7,		/* radius of pupil */
			MAX_DISTANCE: 38,	/* to control the pupil not out of eye */
			body: document.documentElement || document.body /* browser compatible */

		myEyes.STATCK = [];	// array to store two pupils
		myEyes.$ = function(id) { 
			return document.getElementById(id); 
		myEyes.getMousePosition = function(e) {
			return {
				left: e.clientX + myEyes.body.scrollLeft, 
				top: e.clientY + myEyes.body.scrollTop 
		myEyes.getObjectPosition = function(elem) {
			var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
			return {
				left: rect.left + myEyes.body.scrollLeft, top: rect.top + myEyes.body.scrollTop 
		myEyes.init = function() {
			myEyes.STATCK = [
			document.onmousemove = function(e) { 
				myEyes.mouseMove(e || window.event);
		myEyes.mouseMove = function(e) {
			for(var i = 0, len = myEyes.STATCK.length; i < len; i++) {
				var pupil = myEyes.STATCK[i];
				var dx = myEyes.getMousePosition(e).left - myEyes.getObjectPosition(pupil.parentNode).left - myEyes.PupilRadius;
				var dy = myEyes.getMousePosition(e).top - myEyes.getObjectPosition(pupil.parentNode).top - myEyes.PupilRadius;
				var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
					if the distance between mouse pointer and eye is greater than constant
					MAX_DISTANCE, it's a good idea to zoom out the distance by proportion 
				if(distance > myEyes.MAX_DISTANCE) {
					var scale = myEyes.MAX_DISTANCE / distance;
					dx *= scale; 
					dy *= scale;
				pupil.style.left = parseInt(dx + myEyes.EyeRadius - myEyes.PupilRadius) + 'px';
				pupil.style.top = parseInt(dy + myEyes.EyeRadius - myEyes.PupilRadius) + 'px';



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