Android 性能优化 内存优化 分析GC日志

阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
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Android虚拟机在发生垃圾回收 (GC) 事件时会把相应消息会输出到 Logcat 中可以看出来虚拟机的内存情况这为我们做内存优化提供了另外一个可参考的依据要尽量减少stop the world类型的GC。


在 Dalvik虚拟机中主要是4.x系统的设备每个 GC 都会将以下信息输出到 Logcat 中

// 格式
D/dalvikvm(PID): GC_Reason Amount_freed, Heap_stats, External_memory_stats, Pause_time
  1. GC_ReasonWhat triggered the GC and the kind of collection. Reasons that might appear include:

      A concurrent GC that frees up memory as your heap begins to fill up.
    • GC_FOR_MALLOC(stop the world)
      A GC caused because your app attempted to allocate memory when your heap was already full, so the system had to stop your app and reclaim memory.
      当堆内存已经满了再去分配内存时虚拟机不得不去stop the world去回收内存了
      A GC that occurs when you request to create an HPROF file to analyze your heap.
      An explicit GC, such as when you call System.gc() or Runtime.gc(). However, avoid calling this method; instead, trust the GC to run when needed.
      A GC for externally allocated memory, such as the pixel data stored in native memory or NIO byte buffers. This happens only on API level 10 and lower. Newer versions allocate everything in the Dalvik heap.
      只在api <= 10且堆外内存GC时触发如图片像素数据或NIO byte buffers。
  2. Amount freed
    The amount of memory reclaimed from this GC.

  3. Heap stats
    Percentage free of the heap and (number of live objects)/(total heap size).

  4. External memory stats
    Externally allocated memory on API level 10 and lower: (amount of allocated memory)/(limit at which collection will occur).
    api <= 10的外部分配内存已分配内存量/发生回收的限值。

  5. Pause time
    Larger heaps have larger pause times. 堆越大暂停时间越长
    Concurrent pause times show two pauses: one at the beginning of the collection and another near the end.


D/dalvikvm( 9050): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2049K, 65% free 3571K/9991K, external 4703K/5261K, paused 2ms+2ms



Unlike Dalvik, ART doesn’t log messages for GCs that were not explicitly requested. GC information is only printed when the GC is explicit or the GC pause exceeds 5ms or the GC duration exceeds 100ms. If the app is not in a pause-perceptible state, such as when the app is in the background, where the user cannot perceive a GC pause, then no GC information is printed except for explicit GCs.

I/art: GC_Reason GC_Name Objects_freed(Size_freed) AllocSpace Objects, Large_objects_freed(Large_object_size_freed) Heap_stats LOS objects, Pause_time(s)
  1. GC Reason
    • Concurrent
      A concurrent GC that does not suspend app threads. This GC runs in a background thread and does not prevent allocations.
      不会挂起应用线程的并发 GC。此 GC 在后台线程中运行而且不会阻止分配。
    • Alloc
      A GC initiated because the app attempted to allocate memory when the heap was already full. In this case, the garbage collection occurred in the allocating thread.
      由于应用在堆已满时尝试分配内存而引发的 GC。此时垃圾回收在分配线程中发生。
    • Explicit
      The garbage collection was explicitly requested by an app when you call System.gc() or Runtime.gc().
      Explicit GCs are discouraged because they block the allocating thread and unnecessarily waste CPU cycles.
      Explicit GCs could also cause jank (stuttering, juddering, or halting in the app) if they cause other threads to get preempted.
      不建议请求显式 GC因为它们会阻止分配线程并不必要地浪费 CPU 周期也可能造成其他线程cpu被抢占则导致卡顿应用出现卡顿、抖动或暂停。
    • NativeAlloc
      A GC caused by native memory pressure from native allocations, such as bitmaps or RenderScript allocation objects.
      原生分配例如位图或 RenderScript 分配对象导致出现原生内存压力进而引起的 GC。
    • CollectorTransition
      由堆转换引起的 GC。这由在运行时变更 GC 策略引起例如应用在可察觉到暂停的状态之间切换时。回收器转换包括将所有对象从空闲列表空间复制到碰撞指针空间反之亦然。
      回收器转换仅在以下情况下出现在搭载低于 Android 8.0 版本的低 RAM 设备上应用将进程状态从可察觉到暂停的状态例如应用在前台运行时这种情况下用户可以察觉 GC 暂停更改为察觉不到暂停的状态反之亦然。
    • HomogeneousSpaceCompact
    • DisableMovingGc
      这不是 GC 原因但请注意由于在发生并发堆压缩时使用了 GetPrimitiveArrayCritical因此回收遭到阻止。一般情况下强烈建议不要使用 GetPrimitiveArrayCritical因为它在移动回收器方面存在限制。
    • HeapTrim
      这不是 GC 原因但请注意在堆修剪完成之前回收会一直受到阻止。
  2. GC Name垃圾收集器名称ART has various GCs that run:
    • Concurrent mark sweep (CMS)
    • Concurrent partial mark sweep
      几乎整个堆回收器会回收除映像空间和 Zygote 空间以外的所有其他空间。
    • Concurrent sticky mark sweep
      分代回收器只能释放自上次 GC 后分配的对象。此垃圾回收比完整或部分标记清除运行得更频繁因为它更快速且暂停时间更短。
    • Marksweep + semispace
      非并发、复制 GC用于堆转换以及同构空间压缩对堆进行碎片整理。
  3. Objects freed
    The number of objects that were reclaimed from this GC from the non-large-object space.
  4. Size freed
    The number of bytes that were reclaimed from this GC from the non-large-object space.
  5. Large objects freed
    The number of objects in the large object space that were reclaimed from this garbage collection.
  6. Large object size freed
    The number of bytes in the large object space that were reclaimed from this garbage collection.
  7. Heap stats
    Percentage free and (number of live objects)/(total heap size).
  8. Pause times
    In general, pause times are proportional to the number of object references that were modified while the GC was running. Currently, the ART CMS GC only has one pause, near the end of the GC. The moving GCs have a long pause, which lasts for the majority of the GC duration.
    通常情况下暂停时间与 GC 运行时修改的对象引用数量成正比。当前ART CMS GC 仅在 GC 即将完成时暂停一次。移动 GC 的暂停时间较长会在 GC 的大部分时间持续。


I/art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 104710(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 21(416KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 25MB/38MB, paused 1.230ms total 67.216ms

这个GC日志的含义为引起GC原因是Explicit 垃圾收集器为CMS收集器释放AllocSpace对象的数量为104710个释放字节数为7MB释放LOS大对象的数量为21个释放大对象字节数为416KB堆的空闲内存百分比为33%已用内存为25MB堆的总内存为38MBGC暂停时长为1.230msGC总时长为67.216ms。

看懂Android GC日志译

阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
阿里云国际,腾讯云国际,低至75折。AWS 93折 免费开户实名账号 代冲值 优惠多多 微信号:monov8 飞机:@monov6
标签: android

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