MySQL Syntax Error: That corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near


When working with MySQL, it is common to encounter syntax errors due to incorrect usage of SQL statements. One such error message that frequently appears is "That corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near". This error indicates that there is a syntax error near a particular line in your SQL statement. In this article, we will explore common causes of this error and how to fix them.

Common Causes and Solutions

Missing or Incorrect Quotes

One common cause of the "right syntax to use near" error is missing or incorrectly placed quotes in SQL statements. For example, consider the following SQL statement:

INSERT INTO customers (name, email) VALUES (John Doe,;

In this case, the values for the name and email columns should be enclosed in quotes:

INSERT INTO customers (name, email) VALUES ('John Doe', '');

Missing or Incorrect Parentheses

Another frequent cause of this error is missing or incorrectly placed parentheses in SQL statements, especially when dealing with multiple conditions. For instance, consider the following SQL statement:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE category = 'Electronics' AND price > 1000 OR stock > 10;

The correct usage of parentheses is crucial to ensure the intended logic of the statement. In this case, we want to select products that belong to the "Electronics" category and have a price greater than 1000, or products with stock greater than 10. The correct statement should be:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE category = 'Electronics' AND (price > 1000 OR stock > 10);

Incorrectly Placed or Missing Keywords

Sometimes, the error message can be caused by incorrectly placed or missing keywords in your SQL statements. For example:

UPDATE customers SET name='John Doe', email='' WHERE id = 1;

Here, we are attempting to update the name and email columns in the customers table for the customer with id equal to 1. However, if the id column is not numeric, we need to enclose the value in quotes:

UPDATE customers SET name='John Doe', email='' WHERE id = '1';

Other Syntax Errors

There could be various other syntax errors causing this issue, such as missing semicolons at the end of SQL statements, incorrect table or column names, or incorrect usage of SQL functions. To debug these errors, carefully review your SQL statement and refer to the MySQL documentation for proper syntax usage.


The "That corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near" error message is a common syntax error encountered when working with MySQL. By paying attention to quotes, parentheses, keywords, and other syntax elements, you can easily identify and fix the syntax errors causing this issue. Remember to review your SQL statements carefully and consult the MySQL documentation if needed.

Code Examples

State Diagram

    [*] --> Error
    Error --> [*]

Class Diagram

    Customer --> Order
    Order --> Product
    Product --> Category

SQL Example

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age > 18;

In this SQL statement, we are selecting all the customers whose age is greater than 18.