
阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
阿里云国际,腾讯云国际,低至75折。AWS 93折 免费开户实名账号 代冲值 优惠多多 微信号:monov8 飞机:@monov6





        Prometheus 是一个开源的服务监控系统和时序数据库其提供了通用的数据模型和快捷数据采集、存储和查询接口。它的核心组件Prometheus server会定期从静态配置的监控目标或者基于服务发现自动配置的自标中进行拉取数据当新拉取到的数据大于配置的内存缓存区时数据就会持久化到存储设备当中。

        1.每个被监控的主机都可以通过专用的exporter 程序提供输出监控数据的接口它会在目标处收集监控数据并暴露出一个HTTP接口供Prometheus server查询Prometheus通过基于HTTP的pull的方式来周期性的采集数据。
        3.Prometheus 能够直接把API Server作为服务发现系统使用进而动态发现和监控集群中的所有可被监控的对象。


wget http://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v2.44.0/prometheus-2.44.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz

tar -zvxf prometheus-2.44.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz

cd prometheus-2.44.0.linux-amd64

./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml &

访问页面-localhost:9090 或 ip9090,正常访问Prometheus页面表示安装成功


# 编辑prometheus.yml注意填写服务master IP : port

# my global config
  scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).

# Alertmanager configuration
    - static_configs:
        - targets:
          # - alertmanager:9093

# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
  # - "first_rules.yml"
  # - "second_rules.yml"

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: "prometheus"

    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.

      - targets: [""]
          instance: prometheus

  - job_name: locust

    metrics_path: '/export/prometheus'
      - targets: ['']
          instance: locust



# centos7 作为主控运行刚才的监控文件
locust -f prometheus_exporter.py --master


# coding: utf8

import six
from itertools import chain

from flask import request, Response
from locust import stats as locust_stats, runners as locust_runners
from locust import User, task, events
from prometheus_client import Metric, REGISTRY, exposition
import os, sys
from locust import task, tag, TaskSet
from locust import HttpUser
pathS = os.getcwd()
Project_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pathS)))
root_Path = os.path.dirname(pathS)

# This locustfile adds an external web endpoint to the locust master, and makes it serve as a prometheus exporter.
# Runs it as a normal locustfile, then points prometheus to it.
# locust -f prometheus_exporter.py --master

# Lots of code taken from [mbolek's locust_exporter](https://github.com/mbolek/locust_exporter), thx mbolek!

class LocustCollector(object):
    registry = REGISTRY

    def __init__(self, environment, runner):
        self.environment = environment
        self.runner = runner

    def collect(self):
        # collect metrics only when locust runner is spawning or running.
        runner = self.runner

        if runner and runner.state in (locust_runners.STATE_SPAWNING, locust_runners.STATE_RUNNING):
            stats = []
            for s in chain(locust_stats.sort_stats(runner.stats.entries), [runner.stats.total]):
                    "method": s.method,
                    "name": s.name,
                    "num_requests": s.num_requests,
                    "num_failures": s.num_failures,
                    "avg_response_time": s.avg_response_time,
                    "min_response_time": s.min_response_time or 0,
                    "max_response_time": s.max_response_time,
                    "current_rps": s.current_rps,
                    "median_response_time": s.median_response_time,
                    "ninetieth_response_time": s.get_response_time_percentile(0.9),
                    # only total stats can use current_response_time, so sad.
                    # "current_response_time_percentile_95": s.get_current_response_time_percentile(0.95),
                    "avg_content_length": s.avg_content_length,
                    "current_fail_per_sec": s.current_fail_per_sec

            # perhaps StatsError.parse_error in e.to_dict only works in python slave, take notices!
            errors = [e.to_dict() for e in six.itervalues(runner.stats.errors)]

            metric = Metric('locust_user_count', 'Swarmed users', 'gauge')
            metric.add_sample('locust_user_count', value=runner.user_count, labels={})
            yield metric

            metric = Metric('locust_errors', 'Locust requests errors', 'gauge')
            for err in errors:
                metric.add_sample('locust_errors', value=err['occurrences'],
                                  labels={'path': err['name'], 'method': err['method'],
                                          'error': err['error']})
            yield metric

            is_distributed = isinstance(runner, locust_runners.MasterRunner)
            if is_distributed:
                metric = Metric('locust_slave_count', 'Locust number of slaves', 'gauge')
                metric.add_sample('locust_slave_count', value=len(runner.clients.values()), labels={})
                yield metric

            metric = Metric('locust_fail_ratio', 'Locust failure ratio', 'gauge')
            metric.add_sample('locust_fail_ratio', value=runner.stats.total.fail_ratio, labels={})
            yield metric

            metric = Metric('locust_state', 'State of the locust swarm', 'gauge')
            metric.add_sample('locust_state', value=1, labels={'state': runner.state})
            yield metric

            stats_metrics = ['avg_content_length', 'avg_response_time', 'current_rps', 'current_fail_per_sec',
                             'max_response_time', 'ninetieth_response_time', 'median_response_time',
                             'num_failures', 'num_requests']

            for mtr in stats_metrics:
                mtype = 'gauge'
                if mtr in ['num_requests', 'num_failures']:
                    mtype = 'counter'
                metric = Metric('locust_stats_' + mtr, 'Locust stats ' + mtr, mtype)
                for stat in stats:
                    # Aggregated stat's method label is None, so name it as Aggregated
                    # locust has changed name Total to Aggregated since 0.12.1
                    if 'Aggregated' != stat['name']:
                        metric.add_sample('locust_stats_' + mtr, value=stat[mtr],
                                          labels={'path': stat['name'], 'method': stat['method']})
                        metric.add_sample('locust_stats_' + mtr, value=stat[mtr],
                                          labels={'path': stat['name'], 'method': 'Aggregated'})
                yield metric

def locust_init(environment, runner, **kwargs):
    print("locust init event received")
    if environment.web_ui and runner:
        def prometheus_exporter():
            registry = REGISTRY
            encoder, content_type = exposition.choose_encoder(request.headers.get('Accept'))
            if 'name[]' in request.args:
                registry = REGISTRY.restricted_registry(request.args.get('name[]'))
            body = encoder(registry)
            return Response(body, content_type=content_type)

        REGISTRY.register(LocustCollector(environment, runner))

class Dummy(User):
    def hello(self):



# 下载
wget https://dl.grafana.com/enterprise/release/grafana-enterprise-8.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm
# 安装
yum -y install grafana-enterprise-8.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm


systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl enable grafana-server.service

systemctl start grafana-server.service




 再导入需要模版【locust for prometheus】

六、master 及 worker命令启动

# Centos7 master启动
locust -f prometheus_exporter.py --master

# 负载加压设备 worker启动默认使用5557端口
locust -f locustfile.py --worker --master-host= --master-port=5557



# locustfile.py

# 【Centos-Jenkins执行路径】/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GitBlit_pull/other/WB_Locust/my_locustfiles

import os, sys

pathS = os.getcwd()
Project_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pathS)))
root_Path = os.path.dirname(pathS)

from locust import HttpUser, FastHttpUser, task, between, User, constant, constant_pacing, constant_throughput, events, LoadTestShape
from other.WB_Locust.my_locustfiles.locustfile_performance import performance_Test
from other.WB_Locust.my_locustfiles.prometheus_exporter import *

class ttt(HttpUser):
    host = 'http://m-test.wbiaotest.cn'
    tasks = [performance_Test]
    wait_time = between(1, 3)
# locust压测文件必须主从设备上都需要有
# prometheus_exporter.py

# coding: utf8

import os, sys

pathS = os.getcwd()
Project_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pathS)))
root_Path = os.path.dirname(pathS)

import six
from itertools import chain

from flask import request, Response
from locust import stats as locust_stats, runners as locust_runners
from locust import User, task, events, HttpUser, between
from prometheus_client import Metric, REGISTRY, exposition

from other.WB_Locust.my_locustfiles.locustfile_performance import performance_Test
# This locustfile adds an external web endpoint to the locust master, and makes it serve as a prometheus exporter.
# Runs it as a normal locustfile, then points prometheus to it.
# locust -f prometheus_exporter.py --master

# Lots of code taken from [mbolek's locust_exporter](https://github.com/mbolek/locust_exporter), thx mbolek!

class LocustCollector(object):
    registry = REGISTRY

    def __init__(self, environment, runner):
        self.environment = environment
        self.runner = runner

    def collect(self):
        # collect metrics only when locust runner is spawning or running.
        runner = self.runner

        if runner and runner.state in (locust_runners.STATE_SPAWNING, locust_runners.STATE_RUNNING):
            stats = []
            for s in chain(locust_stats.sort_stats(runner.stats.entries), [runner.stats.total]):
                    "method": s.method,
                    "name": s.name,
                    "num_requests": s.num_requests,
                    "num_failures": s.num_failures,
                    "avg_response_time": s.avg_response_time,
                    "min_response_time": s.min_response_time or 0,
                    "max_response_time": s.max_response_time,
                    "current_rps": s.current_rps,
                    "median_response_time": s.median_response_time,
                    "ninetieth_response_time": s.get_response_time_percentile(0.9),
                    # only total stats can use current_response_time, so sad.
                    # "current_response_time_percentile_95": s.get_current_response_time_percentile(0.95),
                    "avg_content_length": s.avg_content_length,
                    "current_fail_per_sec": s.current_fail_per_sec

            # perhaps StatsError.parse_error in e.to_dict only works in python slave, take notices!
            errors = [e.to_dict() for e in six.itervalues(runner.stats.errors)]

            metric = Metric('locust_user_count', 'Swarmed users', 'gauge')
            metric.add_sample('locust_user_count', value=runner.user_count, labels={})
            yield metric

            metric = Metric('locust_errors', 'Locust requests errors', 'gauge')
            for err in errors:
                metric.add_sample('locust_errors', value=err['occurrences'],
                                  labels={'path': err['name'], 'method': err['method'],
                                          'error': err['error']})
            yield metric

            is_distributed = isinstance(runner, locust_runners.MasterRunner)
            if is_distributed:
                metric = Metric('locust_slave_count', 'Locust number of slaves', 'gauge')
                metric.add_sample('locust_slave_count', value=len(runner.clients.values()), labels={})
                yield metric

            metric = Metric('locust_fail_ratio', 'Locust failure ratio', 'gauge')
            metric.add_sample('locust_fail_ratio', value=runner.stats.total.fail_ratio, labels={})
            yield metric

            metric = Metric('locust_state', 'State of the locust swarm', 'gauge')
            metric.add_sample('locust_state', value=1, labels={'state': runner.state})
            yield metric

            stats_metrics = ['avg_content_length', 'avg_response_time', 'current_rps', 'current_fail_per_sec',
                             'max_response_time', 'ninetieth_response_time', 'median_response_time',
                             'num_failures', 'num_requests']

            for mtr in stats_metrics:
                mtype = 'gauge'
                if mtr in ['num_requests', 'num_failures']:
                    mtype = 'counter'
                metric = Metric('locust_stats_' + mtr, 'Locust stats ' + mtr, mtype)
                for stat in stats:
                    # Aggregated stat's method label is None, so name it as Aggregated
                    # locust has changed name Total to Aggregated since 0.12.1
                    if 'Aggregated' != stat['name']:
                        metric.add_sample('locust_stats_' + mtr, value=stat[mtr],
                                          labels={'path': stat['name'], 'method': stat['method']})
                        metric.add_sample('locust_stats_' + mtr, value=stat[mtr],
                                          labels={'path': stat['name'], 'method': 'Aggregated'})
                yield metric

def locust_init(environment, runner, **kwargs):
    print("locust init event received")
    if environment.web_ui and runner:
        def prometheus_exporter():
            registry = REGISTRY
            encoder, content_type = exposition.choose_encoder(request.headers.get('Accept'))
            if 'name[]' in request.args:
                registry = REGISTRY.restricted_registry(request.args.get('name[]'))
            body = encoder(registry)
            return Response(body, content_type=content_type)

        REGISTRY.register(LocustCollector(environment, runner))

# class Dummy(User):
#     @task(20)
#     def hello(self):
#         pass
# 调用压测类
class ttt(HttpUser):
    host = 'http://m-test.wbiaotest.cn'
    tasks = [performance_Test]
    wait_time = between(1, 3)

阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
阿里云国际,腾讯云国际,低至75折。AWS 93折 免费开户实名账号 代冲值 优惠多多 微信号:monov8 飞机:@monov6
标签: centos