以太坊燃料费用定价机制Ethereum Gas Fee Pricing Mechanism

阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
阿里云国际,腾讯云国际,低至75折。AWS 93折 免费开户实名账号 代冲值 优惠多多 微信号:monov8 飞机:@monov6

1 以太坊燃料的作用


2 以太坊燃料的构成

        以太坊交易的燃料费用GasFee是燃料价格Gasprice与实际使用燃料Gasused的乘积即GasFee = Gasprice × Gasused当实际消耗的燃料费用大于交易发起者在交易中预设的燃料上限Gaslimit时当前交易所做的所有状态修改将回滚但燃料费用不会退回。

3 以太坊燃料定价机制的缺陷







4 伦敦分叉燃料定价机制的优化

4.1 新定价机制







        GasFee = Gasused × (maxFeePerGas) = Gasused × (baseFeePerGas + maxPriorityFeePerGas)。

4.2 基础燃料费的算法



        父区块的燃料目标值parentGasTarget = parent.GasLimit / ElasticityMultiplier


        当父区块的实际燃料值parent.GasUsed大于父区块的燃料目标值parentGasTarget时说明当前区块的基础费用应该增加以减小区块包含交易的计算量基础费用的增加值取1parent.BaseFee * gasUsedDelta / parentGasTarget / BaseFeeChangeDenominator的最大值

        当父区块的实际燃料值parent.GasUsed小于父区块的燃料目标值parentGasTarget时说明当前区块的基础费用应该减小以增加区块包含交易的计算量基础费用的减小值取0parent.BaseFee * gasUsedDelta / parentGasTarget / BaseFeeChangeDenominator的最大值。


// CalcBaseFee calculates the basefee of the header.
func CalcBaseFee(config *params.ChainConfig, parent *types.Header) *big.Int {
	// If the current block is the first EIP-1559 block, return the InitialBaseFee.
	if !config.IsLondon(parent.Number) {
		return new(big.Int).SetUint64(params.InitialBaseFee)

	parentGasTarget := parent.GasLimit / params.ElasticityMultiplier
	// If the parent gasUsed is the same as the target, the baseFee remains unchanged.
	if parent.GasUsed == parentGasTarget {
		return new(big.Int).Set(parent.BaseFee)

	var (
		num   = new(big.Int)
		denom = new(big.Int)

	if parent.GasUsed > parentGasTarget {
		// If the parent block used more gas than its target, the baseFee should increase.
		// max(1, parentBaseFee * gasUsedDelta / parentGasTarget / baseFeeChangeDenominator)
		num.SetUint64(parent.GasUsed - parentGasTarget)
		num.Mul(num, parent.BaseFee)
		num.Div(num, denom.SetUint64(parentGasTarget))
		num.Div(num, denom.SetUint64(params.BaseFeeChangeDenominator))
		baseFeeDelta := math.BigMax(num, common.Big1)

		return num.Add(parent.BaseFee, baseFeeDelta)
	} else {
		// Otherwise if the parent block used less gas than its target, the baseFee should decrease.
		// max(0, parentBaseFee * gasUsedDelta / parentGasTarget / baseFeeChangeDenominator)
		num.SetUint64(parentGasTarget - parent.GasUsed)
		num.Mul(num, parent.BaseFee)
		num.Div(num, denom.SetUint64(parentGasTarget))
		num.Div(num, denom.SetUint64(params.BaseFeeChangeDenominator))
		baseFee := num.Sub(parent.BaseFee, num)

		return math.BigMax(baseFee, common.Big0)

5 以太坊燃料价格查询



[1] 以太坊开发文档 Gas and fees | ethereum.org

[2] 以太坊改进提议EIP-1559 https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-1559.md

[3] 开源以太坊客户端go-ethereum源代码eip1559.gogo-ethereum/eip1559.go at master · ethereum/go-ethereum · GitHub

[4] 以太坊燃料费用查询网站Ethereum Gas Price Charts & Historical Gas Fees – ethereumprice

阿里云国内75折 回扣 微信号:monov8
阿里云国际,腾讯云国际,低至75折。AWS 93折 免费开户实名账号 代冲值 优惠多多 微信号:monov8 飞机:@monov6
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